As 2016 comes to a close, it is time I start to focus on myself and my future. No one knows what the next year can bring, but I find that writing down a list of goals will be a constant reminder of what I want my future to hold. My list is not going to be full of goals that I can cross off, (a few of those), but I want to change my life for the better, to live healthier and be happier, for 2017 to be a year that I can look back on and have no regrets, that I can be nothing but content with how this year goes.
1. In 2017, I'm going to meet (in person) 5 other bloggers/ YouTubers.
This isn't something a typical teenager would have on their goals for the upcoming year, however I have met probably close to 10 bloggers (or YouTubers) since I started blogging, so why not meet more?
2. in 2017, I'm going to live an overall healthier life.
In high school, I ran track and I played soccer, I was constantly exercising and as I've gotten busier, exercising regularly has been the thing I have let go. I am not saying I will run every day, but on the days I find that I have no energy or am swamped with school work, I will eat healthier, and do some exercises in my room for 10 minutes. The little things every day are the things that matter. Making small choices like soy milk or skim milk in my coffee can make all the difference.
3. In 2017, I'm going to become more independent.
College has taught me a lot about independence, this being said, I want to take a trip on my own, currently I am looking into taking a trip to England this summer. This is just one example but if i want to see the world, and to do all the things I aspire to do, I need to be independent.
4. In 2017, I'm going to trademark the name of my future company. (this is all I can say for now)
5. In 2017, I'm going to incorporate more make up into my channel/ improve my make up skills.
I have recently been purchasing more make up, as well as watching youtube videos on make up. I really want to incorporate more make up into my channel (nothing crazy), and learn more about it!
6. In 2017, I'm going to take more road trips.
These don't necessarily need to be long distance but I want to travel more, and I've got a car, so why not? I am always seeing pictures on twitter that are cool places to visit in my state, or just a couple hours away. I'm young. I have started a blog and YouTube and have a job, a little adventure can't hurt.
7. In 2017, I'm going to save money.
A few less trips to Starbucks and Chipotle are probably for the best. I will only go to Starbucks if I have an exam/ final, or am working an 8 hour shift. I'm going to try to start thinking of eating at places like these, as a type of rewards system. Then hopefully, I can save some money for traveling, a haul, my trademark, a new website, or make up.
8. In 2017, I'm going to be a more positive person.
I'm not saying that I see myself as negative, but I want to cut down on the little things like complaining, gossip, etc. Truthfully I think that if I cut out these few negative tendencies, I will begin to live a happier, more positive life. In the past year, I have had to cut out some negative people, which was most definitely the right decision for me, this is something I see as my next step to surrounding myself with positive people only. As someone who has been gossiped about and bullied, I see the hurt it can do to a person, and theres no need to bring anyone down.
9. In 2017, I'm going to remain focused on what important, to avoid distraction.
It is extremely easy for me to be distracted by boys, by parties, by life, as it really can be overwhelming. I am currently living in a new city, at a new school, surrounded by (mostly) new people. It is easy to find a party to avoid reality, it is easy to choose to go out instead of rest or study or blog or film. I want to find my way, to reach my goals, to become one of the best at what I do, to strengthen my relationship with God, with my family, and with the people who matter. I want to remain focused on these, rather than allow myself to be distracted by college life. Does this mean I'll never go out, no. However its all about making the right choices and prioritizing the important things.
10. In 2017, I'm going to maintain a regular schedule.
This year I want to blog every Wednesday (or more), to upload a video every Saturday (or more), and to have a weekly photoshoot, and brainstorming session for what is next to come on my blog or channel. I also want to maintain a regular sleep schedule, by (attempting) to go to bed and wake up at the same times on a daily basis. This also means using my planner everyday for everything.
XX, Delaney Hogg
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
50 things that make me happy
I am thankful for so many people in my life and as I meet new ones, they notice new things about me, this has inspired me to write down a bunch of little things about myself that make me happy!
1. Dogs
2. Chipotle
3. Motivational quotes
4. Journaling books
5. Pull through parking spaces
6. Working at Lilly
7. My family
8. Coffee House Playlist on Spotify
9. Coffee
10. Coffee shops
11. White and Gold
12. Mugs
13. Shonda Rhymes
14. Finding a restaurant thats aesthetically pleasing
15. The Office
16. Shopping for my future home
17. Talking about my goals
18. Pretty Lattes
19. Planning future trips
20. Smoothie Bowls
21. When my Favorite YouTubers upload
22. When subscribers come visit me at Lilly
23. Meeting other bloggers
24. Sales
25. Kermit Memes (inner me/ outer me)
26. Dog Vines
27. Candles
28. Smell of fresh coffee
29. Seeing a puppy on campus
30. Flowers
31. Church
31. Fuzzy Socks
32. Starbucks
33. Pumpkin.. everything
34. NYX lipstick
35. Compliments
36. Home cooked meals
37. Black Friday Shopping
38. Giving Gifts
39. The smell of fresh coffee in the morning
40. Getting my nails done
41. Christmas time
42. Seasonal scented candles'
43. "this made me think of you" gifts
44. Acoustic Songs
45. Reaching goals
46. Photoshoots
47. Outfit Planning
48. Summer
49. Direct. Deposit.
50. All of You!!!
XX, Delaney Hogg
1. Dogs
2. Chipotle
3. Motivational quotes
4. Journaling books
5. Pull through parking spaces
6. Working at Lilly
7. My family
8. Coffee House Playlist on Spotify
9. Coffee
10. Coffee shops
11. White and Gold
12. Mugs
13. Shonda Rhymes
14. Finding a restaurant thats aesthetically pleasing
15. The Office
16. Shopping for my future home
17. Talking about my goals
18. Pretty Lattes
19. Planning future trips
20. Smoothie Bowls
21. When my Favorite YouTubers upload
22. When subscribers come visit me at Lilly
23. Meeting other bloggers
24. Sales
25. Kermit Memes (inner me/ outer me)
26. Dog Vines
27. Candles
28. Smell of fresh coffee
29. Seeing a puppy on campus
30. Flowers
31. Church
31. Fuzzy Socks
32. Starbucks
33. Pumpkin.. everything
34. NYX lipstick
35. Compliments
36. Home cooked meals
37. Black Friday Shopping
38. Giving Gifts
39. The smell of fresh coffee in the morning
40. Getting my nails done
41. Christmas time
42. Seasonal scented candles'
43. "this made me think of you" gifts
44. Acoustic Songs
45. Reaching goals
46. Photoshoots
47. Outfit Planning
48. Summer
49. Direct. Deposit.
50. All of You!!!
XX, Delaney Hogg
Monday, December 19, 2016
College Life Update: Boys, Sorority Life, Work
I am finally on my winter break from college, my first semester is finished and I am honestly just happy to have it over with. I thought I would fill you all in on how my first semester went and how my life is going right now. I've been extremely busy, and not staying true to schedule but I am hoping to have that fixed as soon as possible.
College Life:
Boys, Work, Sorority Life, Dorm Room
Sorority Life:
As a recap of my first semester as an Alpha Xi Delta, I went through rush of 10 sororities, ran home to my sister Oakleigh, and am happy to call this chapter mine. We did big little in the middle of October and my big is named Sam, she's from NOVA, loves dogs, is a vegetarian, and will probably be featured in something sometime soon. My twin is named Mackenzie, she did cheerleading for CCU and transferred to ECU and is super sweet. My Gbig and GGbig are amazing and I only wish I had more time to get to know them (Lauren is my Gbig and Reagan is my GGbig).
I spent a lot of this semester preparing for initiation. All of the new members had to learn the history of the chapter and of the sorority nationally. We had to learn about the founders and our symbols, where we were founded, etc. Every week I had to go to a meeting to learn about the history and all the other Delta Nu's were there too. A couple older sisters did a great job teaching us all of the information that we needed to know. Once we knew all of the information, we took a test in order to be initiated. Now I am a proudly an initiated sister of Alpha Xi Delta!
Currently I am not dating anyone, no boyfriend or anything. I am currently in a place in my life where I want to focus on myself, recover from my (not so) recent break up, and really focus all my energy into my future, my grades, working and into my blog. My last relationship has taught me a lot about what I hope to find in a man, and also what my needs are. My last break up hit me hard, and it is never easy for me to stop talking to someone. But I've learned a lot from it and I am thankful for that. My last relationship has truly made me realize what I deserve and my self worth. The man of my dreams will make time for me, be motivated, kind, funny, and will support me in anything I do, whilst still having his own aspirations in life. I will conclude this section with this : I am still waiting for Mr. Right to make his way into my life.
Living in a Dorm:
This is, to say the least, not a luxury. Living in a dorm has taught me to be tidier in general, you can never have enough cleaning supplies, to cook noodles in a microwave, to work at your desk to develop good working habits, and what food is available to delivered to my dorm. I lived with one roommate, and that did not work out. We had our differences when it came to cleanliness, disagreements about how often people could be in the room, and our personalities just didn't click well. This is normal in college and I've met a lot of people who have had similar experiences.
Luckily, I became really close with my next door neighbors, they welcomed me into their room whenever I needed to be away from mine, we shared many insomnia cookie dates and lots of laughing and funny conversations. One of my neighbors, Jordan decided to move into the Chi Omega house for the second semester, and when my roommate moved out, Miranda, my other next door neighbor, moved in. Although Miranda and I haven't spent a night together yet. We hang out almost every day, we eat at Noodles and Co, and Zoey's Kitchen, we shop together and make trips to the dining hall and gym together (she makes me go).
Currently, because I am a seasonal employee at Lilly Pulitzer, I am back to work for the month of December and a small portion of January. I have scheduled for 30 hours this past week and the current week, which is why I have been a little short on uploads and a little out of schedule. 30 Hours is the maximum number of hours that I can work in a week as a Part time/ Seasonal employee, and with all the holiday traffic in the mall, it can get to be quite exhausting. I have only managed to buy 4 pieces since I've been back and I will take that as a win because there are SO many thing that I want in the store right now.
I'm sure there will be more life update posts in the future and I hope you enjoyed.
xx, Delaney
Thursday, December 8, 2016
My 10th Gift
If you've watched my 50 gifts under $50, you may have watched to the very end to where I mentioned that my tenth gift would be here, live on the blog. One tip I have for gift giving AND saving money, is to wait to buy an agenda until December. These make a great gift, and they have the brand name of Kate Spade, and they still include a full calendar year. They are originally $30 at Dillard's but they become marked down in December. This also will happen with Lilly Pulitzer Agendas. Here are a few of the Kate Spade Agendas that are currently on sale for $22.50 at
XX, Delaney
Monday, December 5, 2016
Christmas Cocktail 2016
Originally, I was going to post a video on my channel of a get ready with me for Christmas Cocktail. However, after some battery issues, SD card issues, and spacing issues due to vlogmas, I've decided a blog recap of the event was the way to go. First off, Christmas Cocktail is my sorority, Alpha Xi Delta's, Semi Formal.
I didn't know exactly what to expect, but ended up eating some great food and hanging out with some even greater sisters! I had a big plate of food and danced the night away. There were Christmas trees and a band playing and lots of Alpha Xi's dancing. Here are some pictures of my first semi!
XX, Delaney
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Preppy Girl's Gift Guide 2016
I have mentioned recently that I am kind of in between styles. I really just love fashion in general and for that reason I have decided to make Christmas Gift guides to specifically fit the styles that I am loving. However I still wanted to separate them out that way I could show more things that could be on your wish list this Christmas. Introducing the Preppy Girl's Gift guide. This gift guide will feature brands like Lilly Pulitzer, Vineyard Vines, Kendra Scott and other preppy brands.
1. Lilly Pulitzer Acrylic Box
2. Vineyard Vines Shep Shirt
3. Jacob Wallace Designs Stocking
@jacobwallacedesigns on Instagram (use code 'DELANEY' for 20% off)
ps. order before December 6th to guarantee before Christmas delivery.
4. Lilly Pulitzer Sorority Letter Shirts and Sweatshirts
@lettersbyalex on Instagram
5. Monogrammed Swell bottle
DarlingCustomDesigns on Etsy
6. J. Crew Herringbone Vest
7. Wall Monogram
A Charmed Nest on Easy
8. Jadelynnbrooke tees and sweatshirts (use code 'DHECU16' for 15% off)
9. Kendra Scott Necklace
10. Lilly Pulitzer Wall decor
Etsy- Crazy About Canvases
11. Hunter Rain Boots
12. KJP Bow Bracelet
13. Monogrammed Quarter Zip
@westendmonogram on Instagram
14. Patagonia Vest
15. Lilly Pulitzer Notebooks
16. Kate Spade Earrings
1. Lilly Pulitzer Acrylic Box
2. Vineyard Vines Shep Shirt
3. Jacob Wallace Designs Stocking
@jacobwallacedesigns on Instagram (use code 'DELANEY' for 20% off)
ps. order before December 6th to guarantee before Christmas delivery.
4. Lilly Pulitzer Sorority Letter Shirts and Sweatshirts
@lettersbyalex on Instagram
5. Monogrammed Swell bottle
DarlingCustomDesigns on Etsy
6. J. Crew Herringbone Vest
7. Wall Monogram
A Charmed Nest on Easy
8. Jadelynnbrooke tees and sweatshirts (use code 'DHECU16' for 15% off)
9. Kendra Scott Necklace
10. Lilly Pulitzer Wall decor
Etsy- Crazy About Canvases
11. Hunter Rain Boots
12. KJP Bow Bracelet

13. Monogrammed Quarter Zip
@westendmonogram on Instagram
14. Patagonia Vest
15. Lilly Pulitzer Notebooks
16. Kate Spade Earrings
xx, Delaney
Monday, November 28, 2016
Stocking Stuffers 2016
Here is the next segment of my gift guide series- stocking stuffer edition. First of all this wonderful stocking is one of my all time favorites of the season. Each year I get a new stocking from Jacob Wallace Designs and each year they meet my expectations and exceed them with their amazing quality and color. You can even use my code 'DELANEY' for 20% off! They have a variety of Lilly patterns and it is just a great company over all.
With all of that said, here are my top ten stocking stuffers of 2016!
1. Lush Bath Bombs
2. Kate Spade Earrings
3. Sheila Earrings
4. Gift Cards (The college student that I am encourages this gift, $10 to anywhere can do amazing things)
5. Kylie Lip Kit
6.Starbucks ornaments (Can you tell I'm a coffee lover?)
These are available along with many others at Starbucks
7. Facials
8. Lulu Lemon Headbands
9. Matte Top Coat
10. Chokers
Here are my top 10 stocking stuffers for 2016, I hope you all enjoyed!
XX, Delaney
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